Hooper of the Month - May 2019
Hooper of the Month – May 2019 – Teaki Hoops I DARE you….. To find an Instagram page fill with more colour, cuteness, and flare than the...
October's Hooper of the Month!
My favourite month is here! OCTOBER-WEEN! I mean, October... By the October rolls around, I feel like most people are ready for changes...
June's Hooper of the Month
Happy June Hoopers! June in Toronto is magical for a hoop dancer. The weather is beautiful, the trees are full with leaves, the flow jams...
April's Hooper of the Month!
I keep seeing snow fluttering by here in Toronto, but that is not stopping me from getting overly excited about spring and summer!...
February Hooper Of The Month
It's February! Which means spring is closer and more importantly, outdoor hooping is almost upon us in wintery places like Toronto....